The Need For More Technology Related TV Shows

If you're a geek like me you will have noticed there is a distinct lack of computer related content on TV. I look forward to the BBC Click show on Saturday. It is the only half decent technology show on the BBC but could definitely be better. The budget should be increased and the BBC need to appreciate there are many people such as myself who would lap up more technology content.
Yes, there are some web based technology shows but many are US based and don't always relate to the British audience. I do quite enjoy the Windows weekly show on Paul Thurrots Supersite. The site holds a wealth of information for the Windows user including many tutorials, tips and reviews. I recommend you take a look if you have not already got it bookmarked, you should add  Paul Thurrot Windows Supersite today.

Are there any UK related web based computer shows you can recommend? I remember the days of watching chips with everything on Sky a few years ago. Always a good show but probably looks a bit dated now. Kate Russell has definitely got better with age as I'm sure some of you may agree!

Why are there no shows like Tomorrows World? It was always a favourite of mine when I was younger and would be a great show if reintroduced today.

The Last Episode Of Chips With Everything Part 1

 Part 2
