Bikers Love Matlock Bath

Went for a Sunday out with the wife seeing as she was moaning about having to go back to work. Didn't really want to go due to a bad knee which made it difficult to walk about. In the end I took painkillers and off we went. Took about 45 minutes to get there because we got stuck behind the Sunday drivers club (Old folks who seem to enjoy driving at 25mph).

When we actually got there it was absolutely heaving with bikers and plebs eating a mixture of fish and chips, donuts and ice cream (not all at once but you never know). After grumbling about having to go, I actually enjoyed a wobble around in Matlock Bath. I think the pain killers helped to ease the tension as I kept forgetting where I was and how I got there :-)

The wife must love me after all as she crossed a busy road just to get me donuts. Freshly made hot donuts with sugar on, yum. Again made better by the pain killers I think. There were some fantastic motorbikes there I must admit. They ranged from Harleys right down to old Honda step thrus. A favourite of the day was a quad bike with a 1000cc Yamaha R1 engine fitted. Sounded brill!

There is a cable car at Matlock called the heights of Abraham but I refuse to go on it as the wife started swinging it from side to side like a mad orangutan last time we tried it. God knows what came over her. She seemed to enjoy the fear I was feeling. It is worth going on though as long as your partner is mentally stable.
After munching through chips and gravy followed a chocolate ice cream it was time to go back to sunny Macclesfield. In all, a great afternoon out.
